I have long passionately believed that genuine education can offer freedom, not only on an academic and intellectual level and thus subsequently at an economic and social level, but more significantly and sincerely are the autonomy and opportunities education offers at a personal level. Since 1993 I have worked as an educator and teacher through primary, secondary and university levels, with children, teenagers and adults, promoting learning and educational rights and opportunities for all. I worked with the Department of English, UCD from 1993 to 1997; and from 1999 to 2008 I was occupied in the establishment, development and growth of the Trinity Access Programmes at Trinity College Dublin, a project offering university education opportunities to adults and school leavers that would normally be excluded from university due to their social position, finances, and personal or social marginalisation. >>
All the while, I have ardently promoted counselling, psychotherapy and most especially psychoanalysis as a means to genuine personal awareness and development. I have been working with various voluntary organisations since 1993, including the Gay Switchboard Dublin, which I was director of from 1995 to 1997; the Rape Crisis Centre; and Mountjoy Prison. I gained my academic and clinical training as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist over a two year full-time Masters training with the School of Psychotherapy at St. Vincent’s Hospital, University College Dublin. After over ten years experience of training and counselling exclusively through and with voluntary organisations, I moved into private practice, which currently operates from Belvedere Avenue, Dublin 1. >> Map Link
I am a member of APPI, Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland from September 2000 to the present, and a Registered Practitioner with APPI since 2004, having established and defended the criteria requirements outlined in APPI’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, for determined members who have been interrogated to establish themselves and bear specific clinical and professional witness to their experience and practice in the field of psychoanalysis. And have been a member of the Irish Council for Psychotherapy”, Psychoanalytic Section from 2017 to the present. I have also been a member of the APW, Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups from September 2009 to the present, and I am also registered with the EAP (Employee Assistance Programmes).
In the summer of 2011 I was a visiting lecturer and contributor with the National Sexuality Resource Centre Summer School, San Francisco State University.
Since 2016, Lecturer and Research Associate with the Centre for Gender & Women Studies, at Trinity College Dublin.
Since 2017, I have been a member of the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP)
Educational Background
- B.A. (Hons) History and English, UCD.
- M.A. in Cultural Studies, the University of Sussex, Brighton.
- Trained as Counsellor and Psychotherapist in Hypnotherapy & Neuro-Linguistic Programming, with the Irish Institute of Counselling and Hypnotherapy.
- Graduate Diploma in Psychoanalysis from the Dublin Business School
- M.Sc. in Clinical Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, St. Vincent’s Hospital, UCD.
- Certificate in Management of Adult Education and Guidance, NUI Maynooth.
- M.Phil in Gender and Women Studies, TCD
- Certificate in Facilitation and Organisational Consultancy, The Galway Leadership Centre
- PhD: ‘Nommo-Sexuality: Naming Homo/Sexual Desire: A Dis-story’, DCU.