Ray O’ Neill M.A., GradDip. PsychAn., M.Psych. Sc., M.Phil., RegPract A.P.P.I.
About Me
I have been working in the therapy/counselling field for over fifteen years, and have been practicing as a psychoanalyst since 2001. I am available to work with groups, couples, or individuals on a one to one basis; on a one off, short term, or longer term basis.
I am based in Belvedere Avenue, a cul-de-sac just off the North Circular Road in Dublin 1, beside Croke Park, Mountjoy Square, Dorset Street, only ten minutes walk from O’ Connell Street, or fifteen minutes from the IFSC and Connolly Station. >> Map Link
Rates are €70 for the first session and between €70 and €100 a session thereafter, depending on a client’s own economic situation and ability and desire to pay. Similarly, for couples, the charge is €80 for a first session and between €80 and €120 thereafter. Group rates are negotiable upon request. I have never turned someone away due to their economic situation, and am always open to negotiation, if people are out of full time work or unemployed. I have a set number of client places that I would offer at reduced rates. If you are in financial need please don’t hesitate to say that, but ultimately the value you place on the work will decide the value our work has for you and your life. It is one place where underselling yourself is detrimental, because it is your self, your emotional well being that is being undervalued.
Any questions or queries, please contact me on 01 8198989, or 086 828 0033 or ray@machna.ie
I have long passionately believed that education offers freedom an academic, and subsequently at an economic and social level. But more significant is the freedom and opportunities education offers at a personal level. Since 1993 I have worked as a teacher at every level, primary, secondary, university with both children and adults in promoting learning and educational and rights for all. I worked with the Department of English, UCD, from 1993 to 1997, and from 1999 to 2008 was involved with the establishment, development and growth of the Trinity Access Programmes, a project offering university education opportunities to adults and school leavers that would normally be excluded from university due to their class, finances, and personal or social situations.
>> www.tcd.ie/Trinity_Access
All the while, I have ardently promoted counselling, psychotherapy and most especially psychoanalysis as a means of personal awareness and development. I have been working with voluntary organisations since 1993, including the Gay Switchboard Dublin, which I was director of from 1995 to 1997; the Rape Crisis Centre; and Mountjoy Prison. I gained my academic and clinical training as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist from the School of Psychotherapy at St. Vincent’s Hospital University College Dublin. After over ten years experience of training and counselling on the voluntary front, I moved into private practice, which operates from Belvedere Avenue, Dublin 1. >> Map Link
I am a member of APPI, Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland from September 2000 to the present, and a registered Practitioner with APPI since 2004. And have been a member of the College of Psychoanalysis from June 2005 to the present. I am also registered with the EAP (Employee Assistance Programmes).
>> www.appi.ie
>> www.psychoanalysis.ie
>> www.eapconsultants.ie
Educational Background:
- B.A.(Hons) History and English, UCD.
- M.A. in Cultural Studies, the University of Sussex, Brighton.
- Trained as Counsellor and Psychotherapist in Hypnotherapy & Neuro-Linguistic Programming, with the Irish Institute of Counselling and Hypnotherapy.
- Graduate Diploma in Psychoanalysis from the Dublin Business School
- M.Sc. in Clinical Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, St. Vincent’s Hospital, UCD.
- Certificate in Management of Adult Education and Guidance, NUI Maynooth.
- M.Phil in Gender and Women Studies, TCD
- Certificate in Facilitation and Organisational Consultancy, The Galway Leadership Centre
- Undertaking PhD research with DCU, School of Nursing, on how gay men who have been blind since birth speak of their desire and sexuality
Publications and Presentations:
“The Lies, The Wish, and The Wardrobe: Homophobia, Homosexuality and the Closet in Analysis”; The Letter, Vol 26, Autumn 2002.
“Naming the Loves that Dare Not Speak Their Name: The Politics and Perils of Language and Sexuality.” The Letter, Vol 28, Summer 2003.
“Oedipus dup(e)licated: (Re)Producing children in the postmodern world of Hyperreality.” The Letter, Vol 36, Spring 2006.
“This Sex which is Not One: Luce Irigaray: Sexual Difference, Différance, and (In) Différ(e/a)nce.” The Letter, (to be published).
“The Missing Piece”: Repetition in Children’s Literature.” Paper presented to the APPI conference, Dublin, November 2007.
“The Velveteen Revolution: No More I Love You’s” paper given at the APW (American Psychoanalytic Workshops) conference in Philadelphia, March 2008.
“I's Wide Shut: The Traum(a) of the Sexual Relationship” paper given at the Formation Clinique du Champ Lacanien, Paris June 2009. (to be published).
“Losing Myself”: Mirror Stage Reflections in Working with Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse.” Paper presented to the APPI conference, Dublin, November 2009.
““I Always Thought It’s be Better to be a Fake Somebody Than a Real Nobody”: Echoes of Narcissus in Anthony Minghella’s “The Talented Mr. Ripley” Paper given at the Psychoanalysis and Cinema Film Festival, Independent College, Dawson Street, January 2010.
“The End is In Sight: Psychoanalysis couched on the Phone and Skype” Paper presented to the APW (Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups), October 2010.
“See no Evil; Hear no Evil; Speak no Evil: An Ethical Vision of Psychoanalysis?” Paper presented to the APPI conference, Dublin, November 2010.
Visiting lecturer with the National Sexuality Resource Centre Summer School, San Francisco State University, Summer 2011.
“Coming Out of the Dark or Cumming In the Darkness?: Homsexuality in the 21st Century” Paper presented at Queering Ireland Conference, Cork August 2011.
“Desire is/as a Social Construct: Lacan and Hommo Sexual Acts” Or “What are You Into?” Paper presented to the APPI conference, Dublin, November 2011.
“You Might as Well Face It, You’re Addicted to Love” Craving Sexual Completeness in the 21st Century. Paper presented at Fordham University, New York, April 2012.
“Is It Normal To Touch Yourself? Psychoanalysis, Narcissism and Homosexuality.” ” Paper presented to the APW (Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups), October 2012.
“Manliness Has Become Quite Effeminate: Freudian and Sexological Querying of Femininity and Homosexuality” Paper presented to the APPI conference, Dublin, November 2012.
“Wilde Psychoanalysis: Homosexuali-tease”: Freud and Wilde”. Presentation and Discussion led at Fordham University, New York, January 2013.
"And I? May I Say Nothing, My Lord? The Importance of Humour Being Earnest: Oscar Wilde’s “Wit-ness” on Trial” Paper presented to be presented at APW conference, New York, April 2013.
“Am I Not Your Girl: What Does Cathy Mean When she Says ‘I am Heathcliff’ ?”
MA Thesis in Cultural Studies for the University of Sussex 1993.
“Breaking The Name: Psychosis and Love in Lars Von Trier’s Breaking the Waves”
Graduate Diploma in Psychoanalysis Thesis for DBS College 1998.
“The Lies, The Wish, and The Wardrobe: Homophobia, Homosexuality and the Closet on the Coach.” MSc in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Thesis for UCD/St Vincent’s Hospital 2002.
“The Last Seduction: Society, Paedophilia and the Bankruptcy of Childhood Sexuality”
MPhil in Gender and Women Studies Thesis for TCD 2006.
"Seeing Sex, Giving Voice to the Desire of those Visually Impaired From Birth"
PhD research with the School of Nursing, DCU, Sept. 2008 to the present